
Serving - Mark 6:30-44

Thank you for joining Word of Life's Online Campus. We are wrapping up our teaching series entitled "Practicing" as we explore the practices of a follower of Jesus. These practices are the activities and life rhythms of a Jesus follower. Pastor J is teaching about Serving. We serve God and we serve each other because Christ first served us.

Confessing - Luke 18:9-14

Thank you for joining Word of Life’s Online Campus. We are practicing our faith in Christ and learning the practices God has called us to live in. These practices are the life rhythms of a Christ follower. Today, Pastor Jason Lang is teaching us about confessing. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are confessing our faith in Him and confessing our sins against God and each other. Are you carrying around sins or the past, even sins of today? Today, we are being set free from sin as we confess to God and receive the forgiveness only God can give. Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota, on November 3, 2024, Pastor Jason Lang preaching. Powered by Restream (Bensound Royality Free background music)

Worshiping - Matthew 14:22-33 & Matthew 28:1-10

Thank you for joining Word of Life's Online Campus. We are continuing our teaching series entitled "Practicing". It's all about the practices of a follower of Jesus Christ. These practices are the life rhythms of a Christ follower. Today Pastor Jason Lang is teaching us about worshiping. The most important element of worship isn't "what" we are doing but "WHO" we are worshiping. We are gathered to worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota, on October 27, 2024, Pastor Jason Lang preaching. Powered by Restream (Bensound Royality Free background music)