Volunteer to Teach
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of KIDS and learn more about God’s love and forgiveness? Volunteer to teach Sunday School or Wednesday Explorers!
We are looking for teachers and helpers—Adult or Student volunteers! If you are unable to commit to weekly, but still willing to help a few times a month or act as a sub, that is appreciated as well! Our current need …
4 volunteers, Sunday School, 3ys-5th Grade
11 Volunteers, Explorers (Wednesdays) , 3yrs-3rd Grade
2 Volunteers, Trailblazers (Sundays), Newborn-4yrs
Worship Team
Is the best part of a Sunday morning for you when the worship band gets up to lead the church in music? Do you love to sing (even in the shower!) or do you play an instrument (hey, even a kazoo makes music!), then you should totally consider joining one of our worship teams in Le Sueur or New Prague! Click here to get started or contact Beka Nadgwick, Director of Worship Ministries at
There are lots of ways to donate your time and talents! One of the most important is being the friendly face and warm handshake at the front door on Sunday mornings. If this sounds like something you would love to regularly or even once in a while contact Susan Pudwill (612-327-5385) or CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.
Trailblazer Childcare Ministry
One of the first things that young families look for when they are checking out a new church is a staffed childcare during the worship service. Our childcare on Sunday mornings is vital to so many families at Word of Life! Are you interested in volunteering your time on Sunday mornings to care in this area? We are looking for volunteers at both our Le Sueur and New Prague. Even if it is just once in a while or you’re interested in being an emergency backup, we’d love to have you on the team. CLICK HERE to get started or contact Crystal Rosen at
Serving Teams
Click Here to join a Serving Team or Volunteer to help out!
Help with Clean Up Day - May 11 - 8:00 - 11:30am
Sunday Morning Hospitality
Bring a meal to a family in need or a new mom
Serve in the kitchen
Bring food for an event
Help with event set up or clean up
Tech Teams
Do you enjoy behind the scenes technical and or computer stuff? We are looking for people to help with sound and slides on Sunday mornings one or more times a month at our Le Sueur or New Prague Campus. Contact Beka Nadgwick (563-613-3999), Marty Sullivan (952-210-9286), or Sue Schwartz (952-913-0632) to learn more or CLICK HERE.
Word of Life routinely hosts opportunities to donate blood with the American Red Cross. Our next Blood Drive is Tuesday, May 6th, 1:00 - 7:00 pm. CLICK HERE to schedule your donation or call 1-800-733-2767 ask for Word of Life Blood Drive.
Donate Blood
All are invited to join Home Group Thursdays @ 7 pm (October- April) at Patrick and Cindy Turner’s home (108 South Morningside Drive). Contact Patrick Turner ( 507-665-2397) with questions and contact Pastor J ( if you are interested in starting a Home Group.