Loved Valued Forgiven

You Are Welcome - Mark 10:13-16

Have you ever invited a friend to church and they responded with, "No way, I could never come to your church, God would probably hit me with lightning!" We want everyone to know that everyone is welcome. You are welcome. Jesus demonstrates this for his best friends by telling us that infants and children are our faith examples. We get to believe like little children. Everyone who believes in Jesus has the right to be called children of God and He welcomes us, hugs us in His arms, and blesses us by grace. You are welcomed by God!

You Are Forgiven - Luke 7:36-50

Have you ever felt unforgivable? Like the thing you've said or done is so awful that no one would forgive you? Or, have you ever felt like you are better than the person next to you? Like maybe the person who has sinned doesn't deserve to be forgiven? Either way, Jesus has a story to tell us that reveals how He wants to treat sinners, and that's good news for all of us. We are all sinners. We all need forgiveness You are Forgiven by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota on May 22nd, 2022, Pastor Jason Lang preaching.

You Are Loved - 1 Corinthians 13

Do you ever feel like nobody loves you? Do you ever think, "I don't care." Or have you felt like your friends don't care. Or maybe you realize you don't love yourself? You are loved. You are loved by God. God isn't waiting for you to love him or clean up your life, God loves you. We get to hear what love looks like today. Hint: love looks like Jesus!

Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota on May 8, 2022, Pastor Jason Lang preaching.