Lent- Receive

Palm Sunday - Receive Your King - Matthew 21:1-11 & Isaiah 53:10

We are happy to welcome Pastor Paul Larson who serves as the president of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. He will be bringing our Palm Sunday message. The whole road to Jerusalem was filled with people shouting praise to God and crying out for a king and right there is the middle is Jesus, riding a donkey. People are asking, "Who is this guy?" and people are still asking the same thing. Sing, shout, and receive your King! Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota, on April 2, 2023, President & Pastor Paul Larson preaching.

Lent - Receive - Mercy - Luke 18:9-14

Jesus gives us a view of 2 people talk to God. One person is trying to justify himself and tell God how good he is. The other person stands in the back crying out to God in repentance, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” That’s the prayer of repentance we pray today. Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota, on March 19, 2023, Pastor Nick Olson preaching

Lent - Received - Sinners - Luke 15:1-10

Do you ever feel lost? We loose stuff, we had our keys or our sanity here somewhere, but now I can’t find it. We get lost, and that’s good news for us because Jesus receives lost people like us. Repentance calls us home. Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota, on March 12, 2023, Pastor Jason Lang preaching