
He Isn't Here - Matthew 28:1-10

Happy Easter!Today we are going to look into the tomb where our Savior Jesus was buried, but He's not there. Jesus was raised from the dead, Jesus is Alive Again! Jesus is alive He's not in the tomb, He's not there! Jesus is alive and He is our Hope. God loves us too much to leave us struggling with sin, so He sent Jesus to die for our sins so we can be forgiven and look forward to the day we see Jesus.

Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota on April 17th, 2022, Pastor Jason preaching.

Good Friday - You Are Forgiven - Luke 22 & 23

What's so "good" about Good Friday? God loves us so much He sent His One and only Son to be our Savior. Tonight we celebrate Good Friday by remembering our Savior's suffering and death for us. In this most somber service of the year we take time to mourn and confess our sin. As our response to hearing the message from Luke we will take time to nail our sins to the cross. If you're joining our online campus, I encourage you to get a piece of paper and join us whenever you are watching. Jesus died so we can be forgiven of all our sins. You are forgiven by grace through faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Recorded live at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur, Minnesota on April 15th, 2022, Pastor Jason preaching.

If Only You Knew - Luke 19:28-44

Kids waving palm branches and singing, people celebrating Jesus and crying out to God to save us now! But Jesus knows the people and exactly what's about to happen. Today as we celebrate Palm Sunday, we rejoice just like the crowds of people celebrating Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem. But under all the joy, Jesus knows what's going to happen. Jesus knows, and Jesus knows us too.